Thursday, February 05, 2009

12 weeks today...Goodbye First Trimester!

Ok here is our peanut at 12 weeks old. Not much to see but pretty darn neat to us :) The first picture is baby with head down and his/her feet pulled right up to their tummy. The second picture is a really squished baby with a leg straight in the air...honestly it makes me think of a frog leg:)

This is something I have waited my whole life for and it yet after knowing we have been pregnant for....9 weeks it still does not feel real.

The coolest/creepiest part of watching your baby on an ultrasound is that you can see it moving (a lot) but you can't feel anything!! Jeff just piped up and said, "just a worm swimming in you" yeah so sweet and just grossed me out more :)

Anyways I hope I get enough of a belly shortly because right now it just looks like I have gained some weight :(


Muirhead Family said...

Eli tells me you're having a boy... Have to wait and see which nephew is right!
You look great, by the way!

Jeff & Nicole Inglis said...

I also think boy so I think Eli will be right :)